

Introduced in version 1

Summary: GET /api/v1/snaps/details/<snap_name>

Fetch details about a particular snap.

URL Parameters

    "properties": {
        "channel": {
            "description": "The channel to get details for. Cannot be specified with \"revision\".",
            "type": "string"
        "fields": {
            "description": "A comma separated list of fields names to include in the result. Available fields: aliases, anon_download_url, apps, architecture, base, binary_filesize, common_ids, confinement, contact, content, date_published, description, developer_id, developer_name, developer_validation, download_sha3_384, download_sha512, download_url, gated_snap_ids, icon_url, last_updated, license, links, media, name, origin, package_name, prices, private, publisher, ratings_average, release, revision, screenshot_urls, snap_id, snap_yaml_raw, summary, support_url, title, version, website.",
            "type": "string"
        "include_default_fields": {
            "description": "Include all default fields along with specifically requested fields.",
            "type": "string"
        "revision": {
            "description": "The revision to get details for. Cannot be specified with \"channel\".",
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"
  • channel
    • description: The channel to get details for. Cannot be specified with "revision".
  • fields
    • description: A comma separated list of fields names to include in the result. Available fields: aliases, anon_download_url, apps, architecture, base, binary_filesize, common_ids, confinement, contact, content, date_published, description, developer_id, developer_name, developer_validation, download_sha3_384, download_sha512, download_url, gated_snap_ids, icon_url, last_updated, license, links, media, name, origin, package_name, prices, private, publisher, ratings_average, release, revision, screenshot_urls, snap_id, snap_yaml_raw, summary, support_url, title, version, website.
  • include_default_fields
    • description: Include all default fields along with specifically requested fields.
  • revision
    • description: The revision to get details for. Cannot be specified with "channel".

legacy_package (DEPRECATED)

Deprecated: Deprecated from version 1

Summary: GET /api/v1/package/<package_name>

Legacy 'details' implementation.

Return a representation of a single snap, exact match on the given name.

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